How to drive customer aquisition with whastsapp

How to Drive Customer Acquisition with WhatsApp?


Is your brand bringing in new customers? If so, how much is your brand willing to spend on customer acquisition? According to Statista, global advertising spending in 2022 is projected to reach approximately 781 billion US dollars. In addition, forecast data suggest that ad spending worldwide will reach nearly 885 billion US dollars by 2024.

With the increase in ad spending, marketers need to be tactful and find the right balance between customer acquisition and retention. When it comes to acquiring new customers you have to spend much more than retaining existing ones. Hence, whether it’s a small, medium, or large enterprise, all ad, and marketing spending must be optimized.

In this article, we will explore customer acquisition and how to use WhatsApp to acquire customers.

What is Customer Acquisition?

Customer acquisition is the process of gaining new customers through various marketing efforts. It involves attracting leads, nurturing them, and ultimately converting them into customers. The goal is to establish a repeatable method to attract fresh clientele.

What is CAC?

Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) denotes the total expense a brand incurs to gain new customers. It’s a pivotal metric determining the business’s profitability within a specific period.

How do you Calculate CAC?

The formula is simple: CAC = Total sales and marketing expense / Number of new customers. This includes advertising spends, salaries, overheads, and more. Calculating CAC aids in evaluating the effectiveness of marketing campaigns.

What is the Average CAC per Industry?

CAC varies across industries. For instance, the average CAC for Technology (Software) is $395, while for Retail, it stands at $10. Understanding industry-specific CAC benchmarks helps in optimizing marketing strategies.

What is a Customer Acquisition Funnel?

The customer acquisition funnel tracks the effectiveness of acquisition strategies. It maps the customer journey from awareness to conversion. Creating a well-structured funnel involves personalization and optimization to ensure a seamless buying journey.

What are Some Acquisition Channels?

Numerous offline and online channels facilitate customer acquisition. WhatsApp, with an average user spending 19.4 hours monthly, stands out as a compelling channel. Leveraging WhatsApp for personalized messages can significantly impact customer acquisition.

What is a Customer Acquisition Strategy (CAS)?

A CAS enables brands to reach and persuade customers to purchase products or services. Personalizing customer experiences through strategies like AI-assisted chatbots and optimized landing pages plays a vital role in successful customer acquisition.

What are some Customer Acquisition Tools?

Tools like pop-ups, chatbots, and referral programs enhance customer acquisition. These tools automate processes and enable personalized interactions to engage potential customers effectively.

How to Acquire Customers on WhatsApp?

Strategies like click-to-chat links, click-to-WhatsApp ads, contact forms, and QR codes effectively acquire customers on WhatsApp. These methods simplify the user journey, encouraging instant interactions.


Customer acquisition is an essential aspect of business growth. Balancing acquisition and retention strategies optimally is key. Leveraging platforms like WhatsApp and employing effective tools and strategies can significantly impact customer acquisition efforts. Ready to boost customer acquisition on WhatsApp.


What is Customer Acquisition?

Customer acquisition is the process of gaining new customers through various marketing efforts. It involves attracting leads, nurturing them, and ultimately converting them into customers.

What is CAC and how is it calculated?

Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) denotes the total expense a brand incurs to gain new customers. It’s calculated by dividing the total sales and marketing expense by the number of new customers acquired during a specific period.

What impacts the Average CAC per Industry?

The Average CAC can vary due to factors such as purchase value, frequency, customer lifespan, etc. These factors differ across industries and impact the overall cost of acquiring a new customer for each specific industry.

How does the Customer Acquisition Funnel work?

The Customer Acquisition Funnel represents the journey a customer takes from being aware of a brand to making a purchase. It tracks and evaluates the effectiveness of a brand’s acquisition strategy at different stages of the customer’s journey.

What are effective Customer Acquisition Channels?

Effective Customer Acquisition Channels include organic search, email marketing, direct traffic, WhatsApp marketing, referrals, paid search, social media, events, and word-of-mouth marketing, among others. Choosing the right channel depends on the brand’s target audience and ROI.

How do Customer Acquisition Strategies benefit brands?

Customer Acquisition Strategies help brands reach and attract potential customers, increasing the chances of converting them into paying customers. They aid in expanding the customer base and boosting sales while balancing costs and efficiency.

What tools aid in Customer Acquisition?

Tools such as pop-ups, chatbots, and referral programs play a crucial role in customer acquisition. These tools assist in engaging with potential customers, providing personalized experiences, and incentivizing them to make a purchase.

What are proven methods to acquire customers on WhatsApp?

Proven methods to acquire customers on WhatsApp include utilizing click-to-chat links, click-to-WhatsApp ads, contact forms, QR codes, and personalized messaging. These methods help initiate conversations and engage potential customers effectively.

Why is balancing Acquisition and Retention crucial?

While acquiring new customers is important, retaining existing customers is equally crucial. A balanced approach ensures sustainable growth. Retaining customers often costs less than acquiring new ones and leads to long-term profitability.

How can Vizury help power customer acquisition on WhatsApp?

Vizury offers tools like pop-ups, AI-powered chatbots, and referral programs that assist in engaging potential customers effectively on WhatsApp. These tools enable brands to initiate meaningful conversations, provide personalized experiences, and drive conversions.

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