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WhatsApp vs Telegram – Choosing the Best Messenger App


Instant messaging apps like WhatsApp and Telegram have revolutionized communication. With WhatsApp’s user base exceeding 2 billion and Telegram’s surpassing 400 million, these platforms have redefined connectivity and outreach strategies for businesses.

The Rise of WhatsApp

Founded in 2009 by ex-Yahoo employees, WhatsApp’s simplicity and ad-free experience captivated users worldwide. The app’s policy of “No Ads, No Games, No Gimmicks” resonated strongly, contributing to its massive success.

Telegram: An Innovative Challenger

Launched in 2013 by the Durov brothers, Telegram emerged as a formidable competitor to WhatsApp. It prioritized free speech and gathered praise for its user-friendly features.

WhatsApp vs Telegram: Which Suits Better?

Customer Service Support

WhatsApp Business stands out in facilitating seamless customer care, offering features for product showcasing and efficient query resolution. However, Telegram lacks a dedicated business interface and its features are less customer-centric.

Media File Sharing

Both platforms enable media sharing, but Telegram’s advantage lies in allowing larger file sizes (up to 2GB) compared to WhatsApp’s limit of 100MB.

Payment Process

WhatsApp introduced WhatsApp Pay, simplifying online transactions within the app. Telegram’s Payments 2.0, free of commissions and user data storage, allows payments directly within the app.

Chatbot Automation

<h2>Chatbot Automation</h2> WhatsApp Business API empowers businesses with extensive automation solutions and AI-powered chatbots, enhancing customer service. Telegram relies on third-party chatbots, offering limited functionalities compared to WhatsApp.


WhatsApp excels in business growth, providing real-time customer support and comprehensive product showcases. Telegram stands out for file sharing and educational meetings. WhatsApp’s AI-powered communication and integration potential make it a superior choice for business development.


Which app is better for business growth?

WhatsApp is preferred for business growth due to its real-time support and product showcasing capabilities.

Does Telegram offer advantages in certain areas?

Telegram excels in file sharing and large-scale online meetings, making it ideal for specific purposes.

How do the payment systems differ between the two apps?

WhatsApp’s WhatsApp Pay simplifies in-app transactions, while Telegram’s Payments 2.0 operates without commissions or user data storage.

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